My life has a born again -Episode 5

If you miss episode 4 click here
Episode 5

After i dropped the call,i switched on my data and the first message i saw on my whats app was from gift  and tow from Monica  rest
From my friends,i replied Monica even though she was not online. started chatting with Gift
Gift - hi handsome
Me- how you doing beauty
Gift- fine
Me -That cool
Gift- yea, the lady i saw with met at the gate is she your gf?
Me- oh no she is just a friend
Gift-oh i see, tell me more about you?
This one wey this one dey disturb me i don tire
Me- am bla bla bla *******
Me-ok g2g
Gift-wont you ask about me
Me- i want to sleep bye
Gift-don't be like this
Me- (last seen  1min ago)

It was still sleeping when Monica's call came in,i just cut it not checking the caller and switched off my phone.
When i woke up around 10pm that was when i switched on my phone and i saw 5 message 3 from Monica and two from (guess) Mtn .i called Monica she was sounding sleepy on the phone so i only told her not to be angry that i was sleeping when she called that i thought it was some one else and i told her good night. After dropping the call
a call came through (unknown number)
Me - hello please who am i speaking with
Unknown - it is me Titi
Me- Titi from where
Unknown - your church member
Me- oh how did you get my number
Unknown- i got it from Monica
Me- ok hope no p for calling
Unknown - i only wanted to greet that why i called
Me- ok thanks for calling bye
Unknown- bye
 After the call  i logged into my whats app and i saw 35 messages from 4 chat  two from my department 30 from 4 from gift 1 from unknown number(Titi)
Gift- hey you so yo left me here.
You such a big fool for subbing me
Its really annoying chatting with you i will block you now
Am sorry for insulting you,i was angry.
After reading the message i just laughed it off and and reply Titi  and started chatting with my guys before i slept off again. Monday was a really stressful day  those stupid lectures just kept entering our class for lecture,i wonder if they wake up on the good side today, because before we hardly have  three lectures a day.
After the lectures i went to the library to go see my gf,when i got there she was a little busy so i had to wait for her to finish before we started talking,she told me  to come to her hose in the evening,i said i cant come but when i heard she will prepare food, i changed my mind because i love food but i don't know how to cook so most times i eat outside.
After i left the library i went to summit some of my files to my department and faculty before i left the school,i was about to board bus when i saw Titi,i walked close to her and greeted her she was surprised to see me .we talked for a while,she said she will come over to my place in the evening and i told her i will be expecting her forgetting am going to Monica's house.
When i got home took a sower and clean up my room,before i went to get snacks to eat,When i got  home i met gift and one of her friend in my hostel i wanted to hide but she saw me first so i have no choice than to greet her but she did not leave me even after i greeted her, she said she never knew am living here that she came to see her friend.(who ask you question) she insisted she follow me to my room,when she entered my room she was amaze to see how my room look beautiful not long her other friends came into my room (2girls) i gave them some soft drink and we started talking,i noticed of of gifts friend stealing glance at me but i just ignore her. Gift was just acting as if we were dating calling me different pet name and lying on me,k never knew when time flipped till when i receive a call from Titi that she is already on the way,i started looking for way to make Gift and her friends leave  but none of them wanna leave because they where watching film on my laptop,10 minute a latter Titi called she is already at the bus top i should come and meet her,immediately i drip the call Gift called me,she said she has been expecting me since that the food will get cold,i should be fast.
Who should i go and meet?

Watch out for episode 6

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